Sliding Clamp

Bolzoni Caron Clamp Lc C Model 1400KG LC14CNA (64-197)

Rs. ********
The most common application fields of carton clamps are household appliances – such as washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens as well as televisions and many other non-palletised home appliance devices with or without outer packaging. From the production plants to the final user, the carton clamps increase both process stability ...

Bolzoni Bale Clamp Lc 32 3200kg 3200kg LC32 G8B 3A (640-2370mm)

Rs. ********
Bale Clamp LC 32 Commonly used for handling pulp and waste paper bales in the paper industry, as well as for bales of cotton, wool, tobacco, fabrics and other bales materials.

Bolzoni Bale Clamp Lc 28 2800kg LC28 G6B 3A (640-2370mm)

Rs. ********
Commonly used for handling pulp and waste paper bales in the paper industry, as well as for bales of cotton, wool, tobacco, fabrics and other bales materials.

Bolzoni Bale Clamp Lc 22 2200kg LC22 G6B 3A (640-2370mm)

Rs. ********
Commonly used for handling pulp and waste paper bales in the paper industry, as well as for bales of cotton, wool, tobacco, fabrics and other bales materials.

Cascade 35d Bale Clamp Class 3a Arm Length 1200mm Capcity 2300kg 1900 Kg 35D-BCS-64B

Rs. ********
Cascade bale clamps can efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled product including cotton, and synthetic textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales.

Cascade 70d Bale Clamp Class 4a 3200 Kg 70D-BCS-61C

Rs. ********
Cascade bale clamps can efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled product including cotton, and synthetic textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales.

Cascade 50d Bale Clamp Class 3a Arm Length 1000 Mm 2700 kg 50D-BCS-63B

Rs. ********
Cascade bale clamps can efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled product including cotton, and synthetic textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales.

Cascade 50d Bale Clamp Class 3a Arm Length 1200 2700 kg 50D-BCS-64B

Rs. ********
Cascade bale clamps can efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled product including cotton, and synthetic textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales.

Cascade 35d Bale Clamp Class 2a 1200mm Arm Length 1900 Kg 35D-BCS-64A

Rs. ********
Cascade bale clamps can efficiently and economically handle nearly any type of baled product including cotton, and synthetic textile bales, corrugated, newsprint, rag, hay, metal and other scrap bales.
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